Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kharisma: A Sense of Grace (Podcast)

I'm trying out something new here, dear ones.

Several months ago, I was required to create a podcast for a class I was taking. I made one about the Graces. It is intended to be a part of a series of audio materials for the Lykeion of the Red Doves, a self-paced training program for men in women in service to Aphrodite. The Lykeion is (or rather, will be) associated with the Temple of Aphrodite project that I began work on last spring.

The Lykeion is ready yet, but the podcast has been collecting dust for months, which saddens me. So, I thought I would share it, get some feedback and see how it goes.

Kharisma podacast

1 comment:

Anthea said...

Hi Laurelei,

I listened to the podcast just now and I must say, apart from your very lovely voice, I found it really good and interesting. I'm looking forward to hearing more of those :)

Love, Anthea